inLab 4.2 Versus Chairside 4.2

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
12 years ago

Start Screen:

inLab starts immediately in the database, Chairside has blue start screen with Search, Show All Patients, and Add New Patient

inLab patient screen is separated by Dentist on the left.  Then it just has “patient” in the subsection to the right.  No first and last names

When adding a new order in inLab, it defaults to the “dentist” file highlighted and defaults today’s date as the scan date. All you have to add is the patient name.  With Chairside, you have to fill out last name, first name, and either the birthdate or patient ID.

inLab search function is more intuitive and on the same page as the actual database.  Chairside has it on the opening “Blue Screen” page.



inLab has the ability to just make abutment frameworks.  Chairside only can make hybrid abutments crowns (have to design crown first always).

Inlab can do the following design modes/functions that chairside cannot:


Telescope Crowns

Multilayer Crowns

Multilayer Frameworks

Abutment Frameworks

Abutments in Bridge mode (design bridge and split into parallel abutments)…NEW

Both Anatomic and Intersecting Connectors


Precision Attachments

Bridge Stress Breakers

inLab Materials:

All materials available all the time no matter what function

Chairside new materials:

You can do bridge mode with e.max 12,14,16 and 32 (not 40 or 40L)

inCoris Tzi is also available for bridges and single unit crowns.

inLab Stack:

You now have the ability to stack mill the following materials:

Suprinity, e.max (including 32LT), and Celtra

In addition to all the materials you could stack previously



Model Phase:

inLab has additional Buccal Bite tool that allows you to “move jaw” freely.  Both the axis and position of the jaw.  You can open bite, close and open buccal bite, etc…

Insertions axis wheel (yellow bullseye) instead of rotating the model.  This is a little bit more confusing, but actually works better and faster than rotating the model.


Design Phase:

Additional Parameters for basic restorations:

Anterior basic shape

Posterior basic shape

Consider instrument Geometry (veneer mode mill)

Remove undercuts

Reduction tool available

Grid mode available

Grid lines thinner

Full Contour Bridges:

Anatomic connector available (helps a ton with connector cross section)

Measuring tool that allows you to know what connectors measure at (

Maryland Bridges

More materials (all) available with inLab (not just e.max and temp materials)

Anatomic connector option

Can do Multilayer

Can use Reduction tool to reduce pontic to veneer and pin pontic base to the gingival

New Multilayer Mode with allows you to partially reduce veneering structures and also have single veneering elements.  There is a separate Multilayer Definition step in the Administration phase (of Multilayer Bridges).

Brand new Connector tool for Anatomic Connectors:

Turns restorations transparent to better visualize connector lines

Connectors can be completely scaled (scale all) with the connector scale tool.

Better, more intuitive positioning tools.


Mill Phase

No Veneer mode (controlled in Parameters)

e.max has B40 and B40L options

More material choices obviously

Option to export to infinident file or stack file

Option to mill e.max with the 20 step bur on the left and 12S pointed cylinder on the right. Will help avoid 2-step milling with bridges


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