BioCopy Makes It Easy

Thomas Monahan Michael Snider
7 years ago

This is one of those cases that is just so much easier because of my CEREC.

Pt comes into my office with large existing amalgam restoration on #31.  She has recurrent decay around the entire lingual margin of the amalgam restoration.  If I didn't have my CEREC and the ability to use Biocopy this could be a difficult appointment.

I anesthetize the pt and my assistant scans the case into the Biocopy catalog.  She then copies the information into the Lower Jaw catalog.  In the Lower Jaw catalog, she uses the Cut tool to remove #31. 

I prep #31 for partial coverage restoration.  I know there will be multiple opinions on whether full coverage or partial coverage should be used here and also on material.  

Personally, in this case I prefer partial coverage and also prefer GC Cerasmart for restoration.   This pt is 87 years old, in an assisted living facility, and Im not sure how often the partial is removed, despite our pleas.   If I used a material such as e.Max and she returned in the future with recurrent decay, the entire restoration would have to be removed.   With a material like Cerasmart, it can be repaired intraorally with a direct composite.

Start to finish she was in our office for just under one hour.  She left with a big smile, not having to go without her partial while a restoration was fabricated at a lab!



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